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The Marketing Dress Code

Kevin Bryant

Updated: Apr 19, 2020

An Indispensible Investment

No business, especially an office with customer traffic, would operate without a dress code. Potential customers have an expectation of professionalism. This expectation and its fulfillment are intrinsic elements of customer service. A business creates a dress code that is appropriate to the image it would

like to convey to its customers, all in an effort to make those customers feel comfortable about handing over their money in exchange for your products and/or services.

Just as your office keeps a dress code, you must keep up appearances in your marketing. All too often, business owners hope to cut corners on the design of their marketing. Do this, and your customer will notice. They will expect you to cut corners in any way possible when providing them with a product or service. Frugality is an important part of an entrepreneur’s repertoire, but not quite as important as effective prioritizing.

Unlike your sales team, servers, assistants or laborers, your marketing materials represent you everywhere, not just at home base. Once you’ve let them loose, their first impression is the only chance you have for recouping their cost and generating business. Hold your marketing up to professional standards. Give it a dress code – and enforce it.


While uniformity might be appropriate for some occupations, and definitely has its place in branding. It is not always a desirable practice in marketing. Your materials should vary within their allotted code to remain compelling.

Formal Wear

Landscapers don’t wear suits and ties on the job. They also shouldn’t carry linen business cards. Make sure your marketing is aimed at your core customers, and represents you faithfully and favorably.

Casual Friday

There is no such thing as a “casual day” in design. Every piece is important. Designing in spare time and printing on your office inkjet may seem like a responsible choice, but you’re not fooling anyone. Don’t let even one piece represent you weakly.

Call me today at 434-316-0056 to talk about giving your next marketing piece an exciting, vibrant design that will get your customers’ attention.

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